Since lately everybody are talking about this redcakes, may be because Chinese New year just around the corner or its a new recipe in Malaysia, I'm not sure enough. Bit one thing for sure, I want to try this cake .
Here we go..........
Red Velvet Cake
Bahan A
2 1/2 cawan tepung naiksendiri ( i use tepung gandumcap sauh aje mixed with 1 teaspoon baking powder ..ok apa ... )
2 tablespoon cocoa powder (I love van Houten ..terasa coklatnya )
1 teaspoon soda bicarb
( sila ayak ye semua bahan di atas )
Bahan B
2large eggs ( since mine is grade C, I use 3 eggs ...pray to God, the cakes will turn gebuss )
1 1/2 cup vegetable oil
1 cup buttermilk ( mine is 1 cup of fresh milk + 1 table spoon of vinegar )
1 tablespoon vinegar
3tablespoon red coloring ( i guna 5 star )
( mixed all the above liquid ingredient till well incorporated - betul betul sebati . Takyah pakai mixer,. guna senduk aje ..)
2 cups castor sugar
Caranya :
Panaskan oven 160 c
Sediakan 2 loyang 8inci diameter , lapik dengan grease / baking paper ..senang sket nak keluarkan kek nanti as mine murah punyer loyang.
Sebatikan bahan A dengan gula hingga semua rata ( faham tak ayat ni, cam pelik bunyinya )
Masukkan Bahan A yg bercampur gula tadi kedalam adunan B .
Kacau rata -rata .
Bahagikan adunan kepada 2loyang dan bakar selama lebih kurang 35min ( ikut kecanggihan dapur memasing )
Biarkan sejuk............boleh topping
I suka cheese frosting topping
Cheese Frosting
8ouz cheese cream ( sebungkuslah tu )
1/2 caw butter
2 cawan icing sugar
vanilla essence
lemon zest kalau ada ( takdepunsedap juga )
Cream the cheese cream and butter till creamy
add in little by little the icing sugar, till well mixed and creamy
flavoured witk vaillaessence and lemon zest
Topping lah,apa lagi................yummy .Sedap lah kekmerah ni
sememehnya budak akmal ni
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